Spinal Adjustments


Spinal Adjustments

Research reveals that up to 80 percent of Americans could suffer from back pain at some point in their lives. Spinal Adjustments can align the spine while relieving built-up pressure. This enhances joint and nerve function while helping to relieve back pain and soreness. There are dozens of different adjustment techniques used by various Chiropractic practices. However, these generally fall into two categories: Spinal Manipulation, which involves a moderate amount of force, and Spinal Mobilization, which is more gentle.

Spinal Adjustments in Ellensburg

Ellensburg Integrative Medicine uses multiple techniques for Spinal Adjustments, including Standard Manipulation, Flexion Distraction, and the Activator Method.

Standard Manipulation relieves pressure in the joints through mobilization. Flexion Distraction applies small amounts of pressure in targeted areas, which helps herniated discs slip back into place. The Activator Method applies gentle pressure followed by a quick thrust with a specialized instrument which corrects misalignment in the spine.

Utilizing multiple techniques allows our providers to choose the most effective options for each patient’s specific condition. Furthermore, these modalities can help relieve neck and back pain related to a number of medical conditions, commonly including:

Conditions Treated

  • Herniated Discs
  • Arthritis
  • Sciatica
  • Scoliosis
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Neuropathy
  • Pregnancy-related back pain

Due to Larry Miggins’s track record of achieving positive outcomes with a variety of conditions, Ellensburg is a top option for Spinal Adjustments in Ellensburg. To enhance the effects of adjustments, our providers often combine them with Chiropractic, Manual Therapy, and Physical Rehabilitation techniques.

Call (509) 925-7246 with questions or to schedule an appointment at our Ellensburg office. You may also refer to our Services and Conditions pages for more information on treatment at Ellensburg.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Dr. Miggins differs from some other Chiropractors in Ellensburg in that he uses multiple techniques for Spinal Adjustments. These include Flexion Distraction and the Activator Method, in addition to the standard approach.

Each new patient at Ellensburg undergoes a thorough initial evaluation. If Dr. Miggins and the other providers determine that adjustments will benefit your condition, they will then recommend them as part of your treatment plan.

In addition to using multiple techniques for adjustments, Dr. Miggins also incorporates Physical Therapy and Manual Therapy into his treatment plans to restore health and function in the surrounding structures.

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