Herniated Discs


The spinal column is comprised of 33 vertebrae that are separated by discs, which serve as shock absorbers. These discs are made up of a rubber-like outer band that protects the gel-like nucleus. Herniated Discs occur when part of the nucleus of a spinal disc pushes through a fissure in the exterior. This can cause referred pain, numbness, tingling, Sciatica and muscle weakness, among other symptoms. Moreover, these symptoms are not always immediate, which can make the condition difficult to self-diagnose. The healthcare providers at Ellensburg Integrative Medicine achieve proper diagnoses through thorough evaluations before using multiple approaches for Herniated Disc treatment in Ellensburg.

Also known as slipped discs or ruptured discs, herniations can affect both the cervical (neck) and lumbar (back) regions of the spine. Herniations can arise from multiple causes, including degenerative disease, trauma to the back or neck, sports injuries and improper bending or lifting. People injured in auto accidents or with physically-demanding jobs commonly experience this type of injury.

Herniated Disc Treatment in Ellensburg

Because different cases respond better to different treatment modalities, Ellensburg offers an array of options for treating Herniated Discs. Treatment plans for this condition commonly include a combination of:

  • Spinal Decompression
  • Physical Rehabilitation
  • Spinal Adjustments
  • Therapeutic exercises

Our providers use patient feedback to adjust treatment plans and willingly accommodate patients with specific requests. Health insurance and Medicare cover some of the services mentioned above.

Call (509) 925-7246 with questions or to schedule an appointment at our Ellensburg clinic. You can also visit our Services and Conditions pages for more information on treatment at Ellensburg.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Our healthcare providers will determine the nature of your condition during a detailed initial evaluation. This can include a detailed medical history, a review of systems, diagnostic imaging, diagnostic tests, and more.

Because every condition is different, our providers will use the information gathered in your evaluation to create a customized plan of care for your condition.

While health insurance carriers and Medicare cover some of the treatment options at our clinic.

Fill Out This Form To Schedule A Consultation Or Contact Our Doctor.

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