Massage Therapist Erin McGee, LMT

Massage Therapist Erin McGee, LMT

Erin grew up and graduated high school from Port Orchard and spent several years in Seattle before moving to the Ellensburg area in 1992. His time spent in Ellensburg included several travel adventures including spending time in both Australia and Mexico. In 2009 he enrolled in Utah College for Massage Therapy at the University of Utah for a Medical Massage Therapist degree and in 2010 graduated in the top 3% of his class. After moving back to Ellensburg he was hired with Bridgeman Chiropractic as their lead massage therapist and has stayed with the same clinic in several incarnations.

His specialized modalities are Deep Tissue, Medical Rehabilitation Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Maternity/Pregnancy Massage and Sports Massage.