Manual Therapy refers to a range of therapeutic techniques commonly used to treat soft-tissue pain or disability. It is one of the most commonly-used and beneficial treatment options in physical medicine. This broad range of modalities involves manipulation and/or mobilization of the joints and tissues in injured areas. While sometimes painful during treatment, patients often experience immediate relief from Manual Therapy. This includes decreased pain, inflammation, and soreness, as well as increased functionality and range of motion.
Ellensburg Integrative Medicine provides a range of options under this discipline to relieve pain while restoring functionality to the body. Our healthcare providers typically incorporate manual therapy treatment within Chiropractic or Physical Rehabilitation plans of care. Additionally, many patients also enjoy its therapeutic benefits as a standalone option. The array techniques used at our practice makes Ellensburg a top option for Manual Therapy in Ellensburg. The Manual Therapy options we offer include:
Incorporating manual into the patient’s plan of care aids the body’s response to treatment while helping restore functionality. Moreover, it can provide immediate relief in some cases for muscle stiffness, soreness, and inflammation. This can result in enhanced sleep, decreased tension, improved blood flow and more. Because of its broad application, Manual Therapy can provide deep relief for a wide variety of conditions. These commonly include:
Call (509) 925-7246 for more information or to schedule an appointment at our Ellensburg location. In the meantime, please visit our Services and Conditions pages for more information on treatment at Ellensburg.
Although manual therapy has a broad application and is useful in treating numerous conditions, our providers must still evaluate your condition before recommending it as part of your plan of care.
While some modalities listed above produce immediate relief, others require a series of treatments for the best effect. The patient’s condition, diagnosis and response to treatment all factor in.
Our healthcare providers use an integrated approach based on patient feedback to create custom care plans for each case. Furthermore, the wide range of modalities we offer allows us to choose the most effective options for each patient.
Ellensburg Integrative Medicine provides Physical Rehabilitation, Holistic Medicine and Chiropractic care in Ellensburg, WA. Our healthcare providers use an integrated approach to create treatment plans unique to each patient’s needs.
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