Chiropractic Management of Neck Pain (Part 1)
Neck pain is a very common condition that drives many patients to seek chiropractic care. Treatment planning typically includes four primary goals: 1) Pain Management; 2) Structural Realignment; 3) Functional Restoration; and 4) Maintenance / Prevention. 1) PAIN MANAGEMENT: Getting rid of pain is the primary focus of ALL patients in the early stages of a […]
Low Back Pain – What To Do Immediately (Part 1)
Low back pain (LBP) will most likely strike all of us at some point , at least that’s what the statistics indicate. How we “deal with it” initially can be critical to its progression or cessation. Here are some “highlights” of what to do “WHEN” this happens to you. STOP: The most important thing you […]
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome During Pregnancy
While carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is usually characterized as a repetitive stress injury, it can also be caused by pregnancy. In fact, CTS is a common complaint among pregnant women due to an increase in fluid build-up in the tissues, including those in the forearms and wrist. Edema is the technical term for fluid build-up, […]
Chiropractic Care and X-Rays for Low Back Pain
Low back pain (LBP) is the most common complaint for which patients seek chiropractic care. X-rays are a common diagnostic tool utilized by most healthcare providers. Let’s take a look at the role of x-rays and how they are used by both medical practitioners and chiropractors. X-rays are a form of radiation (similar to light […]
Live Longer and Better!
Longevity is important, but longevity with a high quality of life is MORE IMPORTANT! So what can you do to live both longer and better? This month, let’s look at heart disease. According to the Mayo Clinic, heart disease can be prevented A LOT EASIER than treating it once it’s present! Since heart disease is […]
Tension-Type Headaches – Management Strategies
Headaches (HA) can significantly alter a person’s quality of life. Moreover, they can interfere and sometimes even prevent an individual from performing important activities such as going to work, attending school, or participating in group activities such as sports, music programs, holiday gatherings, and more. The focus of this month’s article is on tension-type headaches […]
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Neck Pain – The Great Mystery!
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) develops when the median nerve is pinched at the palm-side of the wrist causing numbness in the index, third, and thumb-side half of the ring/fourth finger. Since the median nerve passes through the neck, it’s possible that dysfunction in the neck can interfere with the median nerve, resulting in carpal tunnel […]
Low Back Pain and Younger Adults
Low back pain (LBP) is so common that if you haven’t had it by now, you will! Let’s take a look at some the possible causes of LBP and what we might be able to do when LBP strikes. Typically, younger individuals are NOT immune to LBP. In fact, those between 30-60 years of age […]
Can Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Be Hereditary?
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a disorder caused by compression of the median nerve that alters the nerve’s function (neuropathy), leading to pain and numbness/tingling (paresthesia) primarily on the palm-side of the wrist and hand. While factors like hormonal changes and repetitive motions are known to increase the risk for CTS, there might be a […]
The Link Between Whiplash and Fibromyalgia
It’s estimated that up to 50% of whiplash associated disorder (WAD) patients will develop chronic symptoms such as neck and upper back pain, headache, dizziness, emotional and cognitive disturbance, referred pain, and physical dysfunctions. Fibromyalgia (FM) is a condition that is also characterized by long-term, persistent symptoms such as chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain, sleep disturbance, […]